The Bible is our manual for living. It is our guidebook and contains the blueprints for humanity. God tells us this in the beginning (Gen 1:1) in the hidden mysteries found in the first phrase of the Bible. To truly understand what God has written, we need the aid of the Holy Spirit. We also need some great resources and tools to help us go deeper than what we read in black, white, and red on the surface. Having tools to help us do word studies, cross-references, research the original languages, and understand the Hebrew alphabet will help us uncover what God has hidden. There are mysteries He is waiting for us to discover!
The main resource I use to study the Bible in the Hebrew and Greek languages is There are many awesome websites, apps, and resources available, but I have found this website has everything you need in one place. Today, I am sharing a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the interlinear Bible and lexicon on this site. I use to complete the answer keys for all the Bible studies I post here on Substack, as well as all the curriculum manuals I have been writing for the past three years. Understanding this site will help you as you work through anything I have written, as well as discovering the hidden mysteries God wants to reveal to you!
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