Welcome to August—the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar. Eight is represented by the Hebrew letter chet and can represent new beginnings, a doorway, and the heart. I pray this month’s study will be a new beginning for your heart and a doorway into a greater level of intimacy with God as we examine the Hebraic meaning of the word knowledge.
In this month’s study, there is a question where you will look up the Hebrew equivalent of a Greek word. How do you do this? On studylight.org, right under the definitions section, you will find a list of words that correspond to the opposite language, Hebrew for Greek and Greek for Hebrew. See the picture below.
This section is what you will use to answer assignment four in this month’s study.
Currently, monthly Bible studies are available to all subscribers of this Substack page. If you find these bless your life and growth in the Lord, please consider becoming a monthly paid subscriber to enable Dr. Brandee and Ancient Paths Media to get more resources out to God’s people. May the Holy Spirit bless your study and time in His Word this month!