The Restoration of Adam and Eve: becoming the fire of God
We are in the midst of an identity crisis. The kingdom of darkness has advanced with ideologies that are destroying individuals and families. The emasculation of men, feminism, transgender agendas, and a false version of love has become the cultural norm, shifting our mindsets and values, even in the Church. But this can be reversed. The reversal comes through the understanding and revelation of original identity as God created Man and Woman in the Garden of Eden and the dynamic that God established in the beginning.
The Restoration of Adam and Eve: becoming the fire of God is a one-day class that will teach you the identity of Man and Woman God created in the Garden and the relationship dynamic they were made to have with each other and their Creator.
In this class, you will learn:
The 3-part mandate God gave Man and Woman when He created them.
The identity of Man from the Hebraic perspective. Including his role in the family, Church, and society.
The identity of Woman from the Hebraic perspective. Including her specific assignment to her husband, her role as a mother, and the importance of her voice and words.
Why did Satan approach the Woman instead of the Man in the Garden?
What happened at the fall to severe intimacy and connection between God and man and Man and Woman with each other?
How the fall impacts how we love and navigate relationships.
The original plan of restoration and how we can be restored to our original design as the fire of God.
To learn more about this class, click the Facebook event link or the APDM calendar page.