Happy Rosh Hashanah! This weekend we are walking through the door to 5784. For those of you who might be unfamiliar with Rosh Hashanah, it is the civil new year on God's calendar. Hebrews have two new years—a civil new year that begins on Tishrei 1 in the fall season and a religious new year that starts on Nissan 1 in the spring. Both New Year's coordinate with major feasts. The fall is a season of feasts that include The Feast of Trumpets, or Rosh Hashanah, The 10 Days of Awe leading to Yom Kippur, and The Feast of Tabernacles. This weekend, we are celebrating the Feast of Trumpets, and the 10 Days of Awe, also known as the High Holy Days, are beginning. These 10 days will end September 25th with Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement.
Why is all this important? It is important because this is God's Kingdom calendar, and He operates according to His timing and set times. Both new years on His calendar coordinate with Jesus' first and second coming. His first coming fulfilled the Passover season, which Christianity has come to call Passion Week. His second coming will fulfill the fall season of feasts we are currently in.
So many in the Body of Christ are sitting on their hands, waiting for His return as a rescue mission from all we currently see going on in our world. Although His return draws closer, if you read the Bible, what is happening in the world right now is only the preparation for His return. Some prophecies and things must take place before He comes back. Jesus is not returning for a harlot church; he is returning for a pure, spotless Bride. The Church that is sitting on their hands waiting to be rescued is not the victorious Bride He returns for. Right now is the invitation to awaken from our slumber and to return to Him. The month of Tishrei is represented by the Shepherd’s staff. That staff is a representation of care, love, and protection, but it is also a picture of authority, correction, and boundaries. This is a season we are called to come under the authority and correction of our Shepherd because His ways are where we will experience care, love, and protection. From this place, we will become the victorious Bride.
As we enter 5784, what is happening? Over the last week, I have intentionally not listened to or read too much about what others are saying as we enter this new year. Before I listen to what others are hearing from the Lord, I first want to listen and sit before Him. Yesterday afternoon, before sundown and Rosh Hashanah began, I recorded what Heaven had been speaking to me since 2019. Over these past few years, it has unfolded into deeper revelation and instruction. Unfortunately, the video will not upload directly to Substack, so I am putting the link to my Facebook page where you can watch the recording.
Meditate on God’s Word. Proclaim a fast to yourself to seek His face during these High Holy Days. I truly believe this is one of the greatest times to be alive in history. And we were chosen for it!
May the Lord bless you and your family in this new year!