I know there will be many posts and thoughts on what happened in Nashville with the school shooting on Monday. As I sat down at my desk this morning to start working through my list of things I needed to get done, the Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart that now was the time to release what He spoke to me on February 15, 2023. I do this with a fear of the LORD. Over the past five years, I have been in the secret place, pressing in, being refined, and studying the Word. I have stacks of journals where I have been training my ears and refining my soul to hear His voice clearly. I do not in any way claim to be a prophet, for I know I am not. But, all of God’s children can walk in the prophetic where we seek the Lord and allow Him to speak.
Before I release what He gave me, I want to say that what happened in Nashville at the Covenant School was a tragedy that should have never happened and could have been avoided. Families are suffering today because of evil overtaking a very broken person. This woman needed the love of the Father in her life and deliverance from demonic powers and principalities that had overtaken her soul. Many months ago Holy Spirit revealed to me the root of gender confusion. In Exodus 20:5, God tells us that the iniquity of the fathers will be passed through the third and fourth generations if no one breaks the cycle and turns to Him in complete repentance and will love Him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Why is Gen Z being overtaken by this issue? Because they are the fourth generation of iniquity from the spirit of rejection. This spirit of rejection has manifested itself in this generation as an intense self-hatred that is causing extreme identity confusion to the point they are rejecting their very biological make-up. The radical love of the Father that brings identity and purpose, and sons and daughters of God that know that love and operate out of it themselves, are the only things that will heal our land and these people caught in the clutches of Satan’s agenda to eradicate God’s creation and their individual destinies.
As I watched the body cam footage of the police officers going into the school on Monday, I wept. Yes, for the victims of this horrendous crime and those precious babies, but also for this young woman who was so broken and overtaken by the enemy that she was willing to take her own life and the lives of others, for she knew she would not come out of this alive if she did this. As the Body of Christ, we can stop this. We can keep this from happening again, but we must rise up, die to our flesh and stop entertaining and agreeing with the ways of this world (1 John 2:15-17). Yes, that is hard. But if what happened on Monday shows us anything, it is time. The Lord has allowed many things to happen in the past three years to wake us up. But so many are still asleep. If what is happening now with innocent children being murdered doesn’t wake up the Body of Christ, I do not know what else will. If you are a believer and ready to take action, the first thing you can do is get on your face and repent for yourself, your generation, and the American Church. We carry power and authority, but we cannot walk in that power and authority if we look just like the world and are entangled in it. If we are living the way the world does, watching what the world watches, reading what the world reads, eating what the world eats, and trying to love people by calling good evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20), then we are not a candidate to carry that power and authority. A carnal, fleshly, Sunday-morning Christian cannot operate in the power of God and change anything. We must turn. Now. We cannot wait any longer.
After turning, we must step into our authority and begin to live and act as the kings and priests we are; get Dr. Francis Myles’s book Issuing Divine Restraining Orders from the Courts of Heaven. This book contains prayers to put hedges of protection around your life, family, and sphere of influence. Did you know YOU can prevent school shootings in your area simply by surrendering your life fully to the Lord and decreeing Satan cannot trespass on the territory you have been given dominion over?! This book will teach you and equip you to operate at this level of authority. It is time. We must do it now before any other tragedy, like what happened Monday, March 27, 2023, happens again. This is an intense spiritual war. We must realize this is a war. It is not politics, it is not merely differences of opinions over issues, it is a matter of good versus evil in this day we have been called to live in. The army must arise, put on our boots, take up our swords, and get in position.
This is the word I heard from the Holy Spirit on Wednesday, February 15, 2023.
It is the radically broken and lost I AM calling home in this hour. For I see their captivity even though they are blind and wounded. They are trapped in the prisons, caves, and holes—being feasted on by evil men who are using them for selfish gain, power, and greed. They are slaves and pawns in their game THE FATHER HAS HAD ENOUGH! So He is sending Me to do what I have been prepared to do in this kairos time on the Kingdom calendar. My power was seen at Pentecost, but that was only a glimpse of what you will see now. For “men” will become women again, “Women” will become men again. Complete reversals will be seen that no man can explain! It will only be Me! Only Me carrying out My Father’s will. A people of IDENTITY AND LOVE will be released to heal and love. What you will see will be RADICAL! But the Father is calling His Church to account for their compromise, harlotry, and lukewarmness. For I hold them responsible, says the Father. The excuses to not hold water in My sight. For He sent Me to warn, and warn, and warn again. He allowed pain, sickness, and tragedy to wake up His Church. But most did not listen. For those that did, they will carry My power and be habitations for Me to work through. There will be no limitations on what I do through them. Those that did not listen, judgment is upon them. The Father sees the hearts, and He hears the prayers. I have been released, so here I come! I AM COMING, says the Holy Spirit. I AM bringing fire, power, and rain. The physical rain and storms these next months are the signs I AM upon the earth at this new level! Seek the Father, seek Yeshua, and let Me fill you. You haven’t seen anything yet! Says I, the Holy Spirit of the GREAT I AM!
Let God arise, Let His enemies be scattered; And let those who hate Him flee before Him (Psalm 68:1, NASB)! This is the generation of those who diligently seek Him and require Him as their greatest need, Who seek Your face, even [as did] Jacob (Psalm 24:6, AMP).