There are a lot of prophets saying a lot of things in this season, so we have to be very discerning about what we are coming into agreement with. This past Sunday, I went and heard Emma Stark speak. If you do not know who Emma is, she is a prophet from Europe with an incredible ability to accurately hear what Heaven is saying. I witnessed her speak things into people's lives with pin-point precision. As she spoke over America, it deeply resonated because it was everything I have sensed in my spirit as I have sat with the Lord and listened for the past few years. Have I always gotten it right? Absolutely not. But things became clearer as I shut off listening to all the voices speaking and instead dug deeper into the Word to see how God operates and His heart. God works in cycles and seasons. When we understand that, things begin to be clearer and come into focus.
As much as we want everything to be "good" all the time, the truth is they will not always be "good." I put good in quotation marks because the concept of good is subjective to each person. What one person might deem good might be bad to another. My definition of good may be totally opposite to your definition of good. God's definition of good will not always align with our human thinking of what good means. Isaiah tells us His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. They are much higher (Isaiah 55:8-9). God's seasons and cycles include things like death, war, hate, weeping, mourning, uprooting, and tearing apart. We just want the times of birth, peace, love, laughing, dancing, planting, and sewing together (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). But we can only have one with the other. It is often the war that leads to peace, the weeping that leads to laughing, the mourning that leads to dancing, and the tearing apart so the sewing together for unity can happen. We just do not always want to hear about the times of war and not peace or the times of tearing apart instead of unity. But people of God, that is what we are in now. We are in the hard seasons.
We have been looking at the aspects of the Holy Spirit these past few weeks found in Isaiah 11:2. Instead of moving to a new one this week, I was led to return to the Ruwach biynah, the Spirit of understanding. It is the Ruwach biynah we need at this time to be able to discern what season of God we are in. We need the Holy Spirit's discernment, perception, and insight. If we try to make sense of things we see with our natural eyes and human wisdom, we will be out of alignment with God's seasons. This will cause us to misinterpret what we see and find those who tickle our ears by saying what we want to hear instead of what is true and what is really happening. We will live in fear, have confusion in our lives, and have an inability to navigate this kairos time on the Kingdom calendar. We are in a time where Colossians 2:6-8 is extremely important and should be heeded.
Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude. See to it that there is no one who takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception in accordance with human tradition, in accordance with the elementary principles of the world, rather than in accordance with Christ.
The Greek word for deception is apátē (G539). It means to be deceived and to be under a delusion. What is a delusion? A delusion is a false belief or opinion that has been fixed in one's mind that is resistant to reason or confrontation with the truth. We must be on guard against the deception taking place—both in the world and in the church. At this time, there is just as much deception in the airways of the church as in the world's airways. We need the Ruwach biynah to discern the truth.
One point Emma shared on Sunday that the Lord has had me thinking through more this week is that we are in THE ERA OF THE CHURCH SPLIT. (She also shared we are in a time of war and not peace, but we will save that for another post!) I read Ecclesiastes 3 again this week, and verse 7 lept off the page:
A time to tear apart, and a time to sew together.
The church of Jesus Christ is in the time to be torn apart so that the sewing together in unity can take place. A church that has bowed to Babylon and mixed herself with the culture and values of the world can never find unity with the pure Bride of Christ that seeks holiness, righteousness, and purity. There can never be peace between the two. Jesus Himself said,
Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34).
If you break down the Hebrew words for tear apart and sew together, you find a hidden mystery as to why this cannot be.
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